I.D.: 29762819

Diverse produse (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
24.07.18 Exista 209 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
03142300 15812100 15800000 15113000 15131310 15981310 15894300 15982000 03311000 15131500 15980000 15111100 03311700 15842300 15896000 15332400 15321000 24322500 15893100 15891900 03142500 15330000 15540000 15240000 15115100 03222000 15981000 15893200 15811000 03221200 15880000 15551000 15332270 15131120 15500000 15893300 15870000 15111200 15613310 15312300
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  • Trimite
Produse alimentare de origine animală Pastry goods Miscellaneous food products Pork Pâté Ice Prepared dishes Soft drinks Peşti Poultry products Non-alcoholic beverages Beef Somon Confectionery Deep-frozen products Preserved fruits Fruit juices Alcohol Food mixes Vegetable soups Ouă Processed fruit and vegetables Cheese products Canned or tinned fish and other prepared or preserved fish Lamb Fructe şi fructe cu coajă Mineral...
Produse alimentare de origine animală Pastry goods Miscellaneous food products Pork Pâté Ice Prepared dishes Soft drinks Peşti Poultry products Non-alcoholic beverages Beef Somon Confectionery Deep-frozen products Preserved fruits Fruit juices Alcohol Food mixes Vegetable soups Ouă Processed fruit and vegetables Cheese products Canned or tinned fish and other prepared or preserved fish Lamb Fructe şi fructe cu coajă Mineral water Dessert mixes Bread products Legume cultivate pentru fructele lor Special nutritional products Yoghurt and other fermented milk products Fruit purées Sausage products Dairy products Gravy mixes Condiments and seasonings Veal Prepared breakfast cereals Potato crisps
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