I.D.: 6869433

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Data publicarii
24.06.15 Exista 21.054 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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48000000 32210000 48500000 48600000 64228000
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Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Ltd, subsequently named NRK, invites interested contenders to qualify for participation in a negotiated procedure for the delivery of a replacement of NRKs old MAM system, the Programme Bank. This procurement is part of NRK’s Origo projectThe goal of the Origo project is twofold: First, NRK aims at a future oriented replacement for its current Media Asset Management solution from GV/Belden...
Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation Ltd, subsequently named NRK, invites interested contenders to qualify for participation in a negotiated procedure for the delivery of a replacement of NRKs old MAM system, the Programme Bank. This procurement is part of NRK’s Origo projectThe goal of the Origo project is twofold: First, NRK aims at a future oriented replacement for its current Media Asset Management solution from GV/Belden/Miranda/Omnibus (G3). Secondly, NRK aims to consolidate metadata from different systems and have a more structured approach to archiving and repurposing. Origo will consist of several core products, whereof some will be procured while other will be built internally.Origo aims to provide NRK’s production personnel with a solid structure for efficient media workflows. Origo will be the central media asset handling structure in NRK, communicating and facilitating workflows for our internal archive systems, production systems, automation systems and publishing systems. It stores and gives access to audio and video files, also storing other relevant files and metadata associated with our media. Origo will focus on non-linear media workflows.The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. [[]]. Then follow the instructions on the website.
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