I.D.: 6522182

Diverse produse (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
27.05.15 Exista 25.001 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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22000000 79822500 79930000 79933000 22458000 22900000 30192800 30199760 79415200 79800000 79810000 79823000 79824000 22100000 22150000
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Østfold Hospital c/o the division for purchasing and contracts hereby extends an invitation for a framework agreement for each of the following independent areas:Area 1: Procurement of printed matter and printing servicesThe procurement includes preparation, printing, packing, packaging and distribution. The procurement is for the delivery of goods and the provision of services.The printing also includes simple set up on di...
Østfold Hospital c/o the division for purchasing and contracts hereby extends an invitation for a framework agreement for each of the following independent areas:Area 1: Procurement of printed matter and printing servicesThe procurement includes preparation, printing, packing, packaging and distribution. The procurement is for the delivery of goods and the provision of services.The printing also includes simple set up on different materials in accordance with the current templates and profile handbook. The contracting authority would like to use this competition to enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of printed matter and printing services with 1 (one) tenderer.Limitations:Printed matter for envelopes, letter paper and business cards is not included in this procurement. This is a part of a regional framework agreement procurement of operative communication services, design and printing.Area 2: Procurement of graphical design servicesThe procurement's part 2 shall cover the contracting authority's need for competence within idea development/design. The need for such services will vary for Østfold Hospital. The contracting authority would like to use this competition to enter into a framework agreement for graphical design servics with 1 (one) tenderer.Area 3: Procurement of pre-printed labels.The procurement includes preparation, production of files ready for printing, printing, packing, packaging and distribution of pre-printed labels (for example medicine labels, marking waste etc.) The procurement is for the delivery of goods and the provision of services. The contracting authority would like to use this competition to enter into a framework agreement for pre-printed labels with 1 (one) tenderer.Area 4 (4-1, 4-2 and 4-3): Procurement of special labels without print for specific machines.The procurement includes the preparation, packing, packaging and distribution of special labels without print. The labels are for specific machines and are adapted for a label printer, scanner. There are quality requirements to ensure that the labels can tolerate high and low temperatures (from -70 to + 100°C), water, spirit and other disinfectants etc.The contracting authority would like to use this competition to enter into a framework agreement with 1 (one) tenderer for each of the following areas:— Area 4-1: Labels for microbiology;— Area 4-2: Joint labels for blood banks, medicial biochemistry, microbiology, pathology;— Area 4-3: Labels for pathology.There will be independent competitions for each area. Tenderers can submit a tender for either 1 or several of the areas (for example only 4-2).n.
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