I.D.: 6522178

Diverse produse (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
27.05.15 Exista 19.409 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
33196000 33192100 33192130 39143112 33192600 33196100 33196200 39143123 33193120
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Oslo municipality c/o the Agency for Development and Competence, Group Procurements Department (hereafter called the contracting authority), invite tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for beds, mattresses, person lifts, aids etc. for nursing, welfare and rehabilitation for Oslo municipality's entities and collaboration partners.All the municipality's entities are obligated to procure from the suppl...
Oslo municipality c/o the Agency for Development and Competence, Group Procurements Department (hereafter called the contracting authority), invite tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for beds, mattresses, person lifts, aids etc. for nursing, welfare and rehabilitation for Oslo municipality's entities and collaboration partners.All the municipality's entities are obligated to procure from the supplier(s) who sign the framework agreement. The chosen supplier(s) are, after an ordered is placed from an entity, obligated to deliver in accordance with the framework agreement.The equivalent applies to the cooperating entities that the contracting authority procures on behalf of, cf. point 1.5 in the tender documentation and annex 7 ‘Overview of the contracting authorities’.
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