I.D.: 6488541

Diverse produse (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
23.05.15 Exista 225 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
35113000 35113300 45233292 45340000
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  • Trimite
The Contracting Authority intends to establish a framework agreement with a suitably qualified and experienced economic operator for the supply and installation of working at height equipment. Over the duration of the framework agreement, the Contracting Authority intends to install necessary measures to provide a safe working at height environment on a programmed basis through a series of defined work packages. The initial...
The Contracting Authority intends to establish a framework agreement with a suitably qualified and experienced economic operator for the supply and installation of working at height equipment. Over the duration of the framework agreement, the Contracting Authority intends to install necessary measures to provide a safe working at height environment on a programmed basis through a series of defined work packages. The initial contract to be awarded under this framework agreement comprises the installation of required equipment in the areas of the Contracting Authority's site identified as posing the highest risk, namely Block 1 (A&E and Dialysis) and Block 6 (Laboratories).Subsequent work packages will be formulated at the discretion of the Contracting Authority as the need arises. Full further information regarding the competition is contained in the Invitation to Tender document, available to download from
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