I.D.: 6538770

Diverse lucrari (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
28.05.15 Exista 130 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
45000000 71500000 71221000 45400000 45211360 71300000
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  • Trimite
The future overall accommodation requirement for the Council within the city centre is accommodation for 1 000 plus persons. Given the retention of the City Hall and Cecil Ward Building, the remaining office space requirement is for circa 9 290 m² of net internal floor area (100 000 ft²). Rationalisation of Council services in close proximity to the retained city centre office estate is considered most likely to generate ma...
The future overall accommodation requirement for the Council within the city centre is accommodation for 1 000 plus persons. Given the retention of the City Hall and Cecil Ward Building, the remaining office space requirement is for circa 9 290 m² of net internal floor area (100 000 ft²). Rationalisation of Council services in close proximity to the retained city centre office estate is considered most likely to generate maximise efficiencies and enhance cross-departmental working.Please note the following:1. The City Hall and Cecil Ward Building will be retained.2. The Council's office accommodation should be new build, flexible and adaptable.3. The standard of accommodation to be Grade A office standard. Comprehensive employer's requirements will be included in the ITT.4. The building should be designed to a BREEAM standard of excellence.5. The city centre office estate should be clustered in close proximity to the retained office estate.6. Council to own the completed development on completion on either freehold or long leasehold.7. The accommodation to be provided for turnkey occupation no later than 31.10.2016.8. A comparator utilising the councils own sites will also be developed by the council to ensure value for money.
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