I.D.: 89096494

Development Partner for the Developed Design, Construction,Delivery & Sale of a mixed tenure development at Hackettstown, Skerries.

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09.11.23 Exista 1.053 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Background:The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to inform prospective candidates of the potentialopportunity relating to The Land Development Agency (LDA), for the Developed Design, Constr...
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Background:The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to inform prospective candidates of the potentialopportunity relating to The Land Development Agency (LDA), for the Developed Design, Construction,Delivery & Selling of a mixed tenure development at Hackettstown, Skerries by a Development Partner.The LDA was established in September 2018 and is a key Irish Government land management initiative.The Government has committed to providing the LDA with equity capital of up to €6 billion to facilitatelarge scale delivery of housing.Our core objectives are to:• Coordinate appropriate State lands throughout the country for regeneration and development, opening up key sites for housing delivery;• Driving strategic land assembly, working with both public and private sector land owners;• Contributing towards the delivery of affordable housing; and• Become a leading influencer of housing and land management, through research andinnovation..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Description of the Works:The development is a key strategic project located on Golf Links Road, Skerries, Co. Dublin, and formspart of current and future programmes of work to be undertaken by the Contracting Authority todeliver affordable sales, cost rental and social housing and apartments.The development will deliver 345 new homes consisting of a mix of houses, duplex units, apartmentsand a creche, ranging in height from 2 to 4 storeys. A total of 414 no. car parking spaces are providedin a combination of undercroft and surface parking throughout the scheme and 802 no. bicycleparking spaces. The scheme creates people friendly streets and spaces through public open spacesthat connect the distinct character areas and respond to the topography of the site. Delivery of thescheme will be phased with 176 no. units (including Creche) in Phase 1, and the remainder of thescheme in Phase 2.The Development Partner would be fully responsible for delivery of the project, which has grantedplanning, from post grant of planning and running through to delivery of the various tenures to therespective purchasers / end users. Delivery would include all residential units, ancillary facilities, andassociated site development works including infrastructure, services, and utilities. The DevelopmentPartner would be fully responsible for compliance with all building regulations and statutoryrequirements.It is currently anticipated that applicants would be required to form a team to include, but not belimited to: Developer Building Works Contractor Project Supervisor Construction Stage Sales Agent Architect Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Civil & Structural Engineer, Fire Safety Consultant, Landscape Architect, Project Supervisor Design Process, and Other specialist advisors considered necessaryFurther details of the development can be found at with theplanning case number at An Bord Pleanála: TA06F.313268..................................................................................................................................................................................................................Description of the Procurement:The project will be contracted in two phases. The phase 1 works will be procured using a two-stagerestricted procedure to secure an interested economic operator to deliver the project under aDevelopment Agreement. A contract will be awarded for the first phase of work as part of thisprocurement process and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to (but shall not be obliged to)proceed to appoint the successful party for the delivery of phase 2. The scope of each phase will beset out in the tender documents..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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