Densiomanometru pentru gaz WIKA GDM-100 Gas Density Monitors Cu 2 contacte normal inchise WIKA GDM-100 Gas Density Monitors GDM-100 -1...9 bar Stainless steel G1/2B sealing cone 6x5 Process connection positions: bottom Case filling: Nitrogen Filling pressure: 6,000 bar, Calibration pressure: 5,200 bar Ambient temperature: 20...+60C, Medium: SF6 Window: laminated safety glass +/- 1 % at ambient temperature 20 C Electrical at...
Densiomanometru pentru gaz WIKA GDM-100 Gas Density Monitors Cu 2 contacte normal inchise WIKA GDM-100 Gas Density Monitors GDM-100 -1...9 bar Stainless steel G1/2B sealing cone 6x5 Process connection positions: bottom Case filling: Nitrogen Filling pressure: 6,000 bar, Calibration pressure: 5,200 bar Ambient temperature: 20...+60C, Medium: SF6 Window: laminated safety glass +/- 1 % at ambient temperature 20 C Electrical attachment for SF6-gas gauges cablebox at right side of case, cable exit to bottom PS2 5,000 bar 3-4 falling making (2) PS1 5,200 bar 1-2 falling making (2) with standard scale Marking of filling pressure: black dot dia 2mm Marking of contact: black dot dia 1mm Arc 1: red from: 1,000, to: 5,000 bar Arc 2: yellow from: 5,000 to: 5,200 bar Arc 3: green from: 5,200 to: 9,000 bar.
Facturarea se va face:
Adresa: B-dul Gen. Gh. Magheru, nr. 33, sector 1, Bucuresti-sediul principal
S.T Craiova, Str. Brestei, Nr. 5-sediul secundar
CUI: RO 13328043
Nr. Reg. Com. J16/523/2000
Banca: BRD Craiova
COD IBAN: RO33BRDE170SV83315801700
Cosmin Roman
Serviciu Comercial
Societate Administrata in sistem Dualist
str. Brestei nr. 5, et. 2, Craiova
Dolj, cod 200 581
TEL. +40251/ 307.135
MOB. +40748/ 291.741
FAX. +40251 307 108