I.D.: 91257405

Contract signing: Acquisition of used ambulances and various equipment for Sørlandet Hospital.

Data publicarii
28.12.23 Exista 20.516 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
34114121 34114000 34114122
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Since 2016, ambulance stations in Sirdal, Evje, Bygland, Valle, Bykle, Gjerstad, Fyresdal and Nissedal have been run by external actors since previous procurement competitions. The last option year expires 31 December 2023. The Board of Sørlandet Hospital has decided that this operational model shall not be continued, and that the health company from January 1, 2024 will take over the operational responsib...
Since 2016, ambulance stations in Sirdal, Evje, Bygland, Valle, Bykle, Gjerstad, Fyresdal and Nissedal have been run by external actors since previous procurement competitions. The last option year expires 31 December 2023. The Board of Sørlandet Hospital has decided that this operational model shall not be continued, and that the health company from January 1, 2024 will take over the operational responsibility for the ambulance stations. The Public Procurement Regulations (FOA) § 13-4, litra b, number 3 state that the contracting authority can hold a procurement without a competition if the procurement concerns services that only a specific supplier can deliver because the tenderer has the sole right. Moreover, the market for ambulances has almost collapsed, and this is perceived as the only way to get hold of ambulances in within a reasonable time. Sørlandet Hospital considers the above mentioned ambulance stations to be sole supplier of used ambulances and equipment in connection with. the transfer of business. The terms for direct procurements without a competition will be seen as fulfilled.
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