1. Flat bottom flasks With ground glass joint, 250 ml, 29/32 2 38,95 77,90
2. single-neck round-bottom flask, capacity 100 mL, Joint: ST/NS 29/32 3 21,59 64,77
3. Three-necked round-bottom flasks Side necks, bevelled, 50 ml, 14/23, 14/23 1 140,75 140,75
4. Erlenmeyer flasks with ground glass joint, 50 ml, 29/32 5 25,83 129.15
5. Separating funnel With PTFE plugs, 500 ml, joint 29/32 1 169,99 169,99
6. Palnie cilindrica de...
1. Flat bottom flasks With ground glass joint, 250 ml, 29/32 2 38,95 77,90
2. single-neck round-bottom flask, capacity 100 mL, Joint: ST/NS 29/32 3 21,59 64,77
3. Three-necked round-bottom flasks Side necks, bevelled, 50 ml, 14/23, 14/23 1 140,75 140,75
4. Erlenmeyer flasks with ground glass joint, 50 ml, 29/32 5 25,83 129.15
5. Separating funnel With PTFE plugs, 500 ml, joint 29/32 1 169,99 169,99
6. Palnie cilindrica de picurare , slif soclu NS 29/32, slif con NS 29/32, 250 ml 1 199,07 199,07
7. Bubble counters 5 72,47 362,35
8. Tub Schlenk cu mufa NS 14/23, 100 ml 1 229,05 229,05
9. Tub Schlenk cu mufa NS 14/23, 10 ml 1 186,90 186,90
10. Sartorius™ 6980115 Glass Funnels, 30 ml 1 271,05 271,05
11. Penseta dreapta de uz general, 105 mm 3 8,28 24,84
12. Dopuri cu buza de intoarcere, Ø inf. 14.2 mm, model 14.9,20 buc 20 buc 1 57,98 57,98
13. Dopuri cu buza de intoarcere, Ø inferior 28 mm, model 30.7, 5 buc 1 68,63 68,63
14. Cric de laborator, 200*200 mm, 30 kg 1 628,18 628,18
15. Folii pentru ALUGRAM SIL G/UV254, 200*200 mm, 25 buc (TLC) 1 576,27 576,27
16. Microtuburi transparente pentru centrifuga, 2 ml,1000 buc 1 53,54 53,54
17. Seringi sterile B. Braun Omnifix de unica folosinta, sterile, fara ace, din PP/PS, piston cu inel dublu de etansare din cauciuc sintetic, in conformitate cu EN ISO 10993 si DIN EN 90993, volum: 5 mL, gradatie: 0.2 mL, 100 buc/pachet 1 35,55 35,55