Blaming the Jews.Politics and Delusion, 1 buc Romania's Holy War.Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust, 1 buc The Virtuous Wehrmacht Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944, 1 buc Comrades Betrayed. Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler, 1 buc The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed, 1 buc The Moral Witness. Trials and Testimony after Genocide, 1 buc History Is ...
Blaming the Jews.Politics and Delusion, 1 buc Romania's Holy War.Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust, 1 buc The Virtuous Wehrmacht Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944, 1 buc Comrades Betrayed. Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler, 1 buc The Ravine: A Family, a Photograph, a Holocaust Massacre Revealed, 1 buc The Moral Witness. Trials and Testimony after Genocide, 1 buc History Is a Contemporary Literature. Manifesto for the Social Sciences, 1 buc Pogroms.A Documentary History, 1 buc Perpetrators.The World of the Holocaust Killers, 1 buc Hitler's True Believers.How Ordinary People Became Nazis, 1 buc The Ghetto: A Very Short Introduction, 1 buc Concentration Camps: A Very Short Introduction, 1 buc Însemnări din războiul de exterminare. Frontul de est 1941-1942 – Gotthard Heinrici, 1 buc Zapada insangerata. Memoriile unui soldat german de pe Frontul de Est, 1 buc Cum moare democraţia. Ascensiunea la putere a lui Hitler şi prăbuşirea Republicii de la Weimar, 1 buc Prizonierii istoriei. Ce ne spun monumentele celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial despre istoria noastră şi despre noi înşine, 1 buc Jurnal (1941-1942). Scrisori din lagărul de la Westerbork (1943), 1 buc Mengele. Demascarea îngerului morţii, 1 buc Biroul de la Vatican. Papa Pius al XII-lea şi evreii în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial,, 1 buc Viaţa după Auschwitz, 1 buc MEMORII DIN RĂZBOIUL 1941–1944 EDIŢIE, STUDIU INTRODUCTIV ŞI APARAT CRITIC DE GABRIEL MOISA, 1 buc NA