I.D.: 72174585


Data publicarii
11.08.22 Exista 3.020 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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116,00 RON - 116,00 RON
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Brilliant cresyl blue solutin for the staining of reticulocytest and trichomonads for microscopy/facon 100ml
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Titlul Data inchiderii
Brilliant cresyl blue, solutie Merck / Albastru crezil briliant /colorant reticulocite  
Achzitie servicii de consultanta în domeniul managementului proiectului pentru implementarea "Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet - Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” 07.05.13
Anulata - Achzitie servicii de consultanta în domeniul managementului proiectului pentru implementarea "Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet - Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” 22.04.13
Achzitie servicii de consultanta în domeniul managementului proiectului pentru implementarea "Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet - Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” 22.04.13
- Dirigentie de santier/Verificare a executiei lucrarilor “Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” 06.08.13
“PT+EX – Centura ocolitoare + bulevarde Oras Bechet, judetul Dolj” - Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria 27.06.13
Servicii de acordare credit revolving (linie de finantare revolving) în valoare de 10.000.000 lei pentru asigurarea cofinantarii obiectului de investitii “Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” („Drum catre Dunare - Dezvoltarea infrastructurii rutiere in zona transfrontaliera Bechet – Oryahovo, premisa pentru atingerea unui grad mai ridicat de mobilitate intre Romania s 10.12.14
“PT+EX – Centura ocolitoare + bulevarde Oras Bechet, judetul Dolj” - Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria  
Servicii de acordare credit revolving (linie de finantare revolving) în valoare de 10 000 000 RON pentru asigurarea cofinantarii obiectului de investitii „Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria” („Drum catre Dunare - Dezvoltarea infrastructurii rutiere in zona transfrontaliera Bechet – Oryahovo, premisa pentru atingerea unui grad mai ridicat de mobilitate intre Romania si Bulgaria”) 10.12.14
- Dirigentie de santier/Verificare a executiei lucrarilor “Road to the Danube - Road infrastructure development in the cross-border area Bechet – Oryahovo, premise for a higher level of mobility between Romania and Bulgaria”