I.D.: 90675243

Appointment of Consultants in 3 lots for Quantity Surveying Services, EED Consultancy Services and Carbon Co-ordination Services for UCC Kane Science Building Re-development

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29.11.23 Exista 12.426 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
15.01.24 12:00
Pretul estimativ:
700.000,00 EUR
400.000,00 EUR
150.000,00 EUR
150.000,00 EUR
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Appointment of Consultants in 3 lots for Quantity Surveying Services, EED Consultancy Services and Carbon Co-ordination Services for UCC Kane Science Building Re-development. This Competition is to appoint the following consultants in 3 no Lots 1. Lot 1 Quantity Surveying Services 2. Lot 2 EED Consultant 3. Lot 3 Carbon Co-ordinator The successful tenderer for each lot in this competition will be required ...
Appointment of Consultants in 3 lots for Quantity Surveying Services, EED Consultancy Services and Carbon Co-ordination Services for UCC Kane Science Building Re-development. This Competition is to appoint the following consultants in 3 no Lots 1. Lot 1 Quantity Surveying Services 2. Lot 2 EED Consultant 3. Lot 3 Carbon Co-ordinator The successful tenderer for each lot in this competition will be required to provide the full range of services as set out in UCC’s Design Team Procedures and associated schedule of services for each discipline. The Consultants for each Lot will be a separate appointment direct to UCC. In this instance the Design Team Lead and all other design team members shall accept these disciplines as an active member of the overall Design Team. The terms of engagement for consultants is the Department of Finance Conditions of Engagement current at the time of the appointment. (Available at A separate tender competition is currently underway to provide the full range of consultancy services for the delivery of the Contract including but not limited to the Architectural Services, Civil/Structural Engineering Services, Fire Engineering Services, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services, Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), Employers Representative and Information Manager The Kane Science Building is a multi-storey building consisting of 5 storeys above ground, including plant area and 1 semi-basement level below ground. The total floor area of the building is circa 14,150m2. The Kane Science Building, located centrally on the main campus of University College Cork (UCC), has been the heart of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Cork since it opened in 1971. The building houses the School of Chemistry and School of Physics, which underpin STEM programmes for all scientists and engineers at UCC. It supports undergraduate and postgraduate education for approximately 1,500 students per year as well as world class research. There is a footfall of approximately 31,000 people attending scheduled lectures and labs in the building per week as well as route of passage footfall through the building. Despite some localised refurbishment works over the last 50 years, needs urgent and significant investment in its fabric and core infrastructure. Some of its laboratories and teaching spaces have remained unchanged since it opened. The redevelopment of the Kane Science Building is identified as a key priority in the University’s Strategic Plan 2023 to 2028 “Securing our Future”. HEA funding under the second call of the Higher Education Strategic Infrastructure Fund (HESIF II) stream has been committed to this building along with UCC matched funding. The availability of this funding means that the much-needed major redevelopment of the Kane Science Building can be realised. The primary purpose for the Kane Science Building Redevelopment is to reduce the energy consumed and emissions by the current building and services, to repurpose areas, to upgrade selected areas, and to extend the life of an existing building. It is envisaged that all the building envelope (external walls, Link Bridge, roofs, windows, doors, and service penetrations) will be upgraded. It is expected that on completion, the works undertaken will extend the life of the building by 50 years. Approximately 60 per cent of the existing internal areas will have minor refurbishment and must incorporate works to meet statutory compliance, and essential remedial measures established at Stage 1. For example, informed decisions taking place following receipt and review of the as built information recommendations/findings. The remaining 40 per cent of the existing internal areas will be extensively refurbished.
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