I.D.: 6761374

Alte servicii

Data publicarii
16.06.15 Exista 51 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
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Locul realizarii:
Outer London - South
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The Service Provider will be required to provide a complete and concise up to date set of assets from the public highway and Merton maintained parks, utilising existing asset data to complete the process. In addition, the Service Provider will be expected to provide on a weekly basis a status report of what assets have been surveyed including numbers, as well as what areas of the borough still need to be surveyed.The Servic...
The Service Provider will be required to provide a complete and concise up to date set of assets from the public highway and Merton maintained parks, utilising existing asset data to complete the process. In addition, the Service Provider will be expected to provide on a weekly basis a status report of what assets have been surveyed including numbers, as well as what areas of the borough still need to be surveyed.The Service Provider will also be required to provide a sample set of data (size to be determined) for review before the rest of the borough is surveyed.In summary the services required under the Contract will be as follows:— Collection of assets on the public highway;— Collection of assets within Merton maintained parks;— A collation and production of a report (in a geographical format or other that can be loaded into the Authority's Asset Management System) of the set of assets the Authority owns and maintains.
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  • Oportunitati de afaceri selectionate

  • Anunturi scanate si actualizate
    din peste 3200 surse publice si private

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