I.D.: 87363647

Aggregated database and registry service for national multimodal mobility services

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27.09.23 Exista 1.081 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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SUBJECT-MATTER OF THE PROCUREMENTThe object of the procurement is described in more detail in the Call for tenders and its attachments, especially in the annex 1 "Description of the procurement".Fintraffic is tendering a national aggregated database service for multimodal mobility services, which primarily collects all compatible and validated interfaces of regular scheduled public transport and secondaril...
SUBJECT-MATTER OF THE PROCUREMENTThe object of the procurement is described in more detail in the Call for tenders and its attachments, especially in the annex 1 "Description of the procurement".Fintraffic is tendering a national aggregated database service for multimodal mobility services, which primarily collects all compatible and validated interfaces of regular scheduled public transport and secondarily also other transport services and the travel information into one national consolidated and harmonized database. The database offers high-quality travel information in a standardized format, which different parties can use as part of their own service development. Standards relevant to this service are NeTEx (Nordic profile), Siri, GTFS with variations like RT. The procured service must include support for the harmonization and aggregation of travel information obtained from the interfaces/APIs, where a unique national traffic data material is collated from the operators' validated interfaces (an estimated number of 200 different APIs and/or data packages) without losing the quality elements of the mobility/travel data.The service must offer support for identifying duplicates in the authorities' and operators' materials and filtering/combining stop and route/service duplicates.The procurement is implemented as a SaaS service in such a way that the Supplier can provide a service that meets a description of the procurement and the criteria of a call for tenders, along with related support and maintenance services. The Parties may agree upon excluding hosting services from the provided Service. The Hosting price is in such cases deducted from the monthly charges.The software can be created during the deployment project or deployed as off-the-shelf software during the deployment project, if it meets the set minimum requirements.During the contract period, the technical solutions and functionalities of the service can be developed and changed in ways mutually agreed upon by the Supplier and the Client. CONTRACT PERIODThe contract period is estimated to start in early 2024. The contract is valid for a fixed period of 48 months from the signing of the contract, after which the contract will remain in force until further notice.SCOPE OF THE PROCUREMENTThe estimated value of this procurement, calculated for a period of four years, is 1,000,000 (VAT 0%).
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