1) Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4th Edition,2020,deJohnS.Mattoon,RanceK.Sellon,CliffordRuddBerry 9780323533379 1 exemplar = 495.32 lei; 2) Cowelland Tyler's Diagnostic Cytologyand Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 5thEdition, 2019 9780323676878 1 exemplar = 519.57 lei; 3) deLahunta's Veterinary Neuro anatomy and Clinical Neurology,5thEdition,2020 9780323696111 1 exemplar = 481.47 lei; 4) Pathologic Basis of Veterinary...
1) Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 4th Edition,2020,deJohnS.Mattoon,RanceK.Sellon,CliffordRuddBerry 9780323533379 1 exemplar = 495.32 lei; 2) Cowelland Tyler's Diagnostic Cytologyand Hematology of the Dog and Cat, 5thEdition, 2019 9780323676878 1 exemplar = 519.57 lei; 3) deLahunta's Veterinary Neuro anatomy and Clinical Neurology,5thEdition,2020 9780323696111 1 exemplar = 481.47 lei; 4) Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease,6thEdition,de JamesF.Zachary,2016 9780323357753 1 exemplar = 484.90 lei. Total 1981.26 lei