I.D.: 36187848


Data publicarii
28.05.19 Exista 141.521 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
33141625-7 33696500-0 24931250-6
Pretul estimativ:
520,00 RON - 780,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
200,00 RON - 1.100,00 RON
500,00 RON - 750,00 RON
357,00 RON - 1.785,00 RON
4.172,00 RON - 8.344,00 RON
1.600,00 RON - 2.400,00 RON
181,00 RON - 7.692,50 RON
80,00 RON - 2.000,00 RON
9.200,00 RON - 32.200,00 RON
200,00 RON - 700,00 RON
578,00 RON - 1.156,00 RON
352,00 RON - 528,00 RON
520,80 RON - 26.040,00 RON
599,76 RON - 899,64 RON
30,00 RON - 240,00 RON
320,00 RON - 960,00 RON
1.600,00 RON - 2.400,00 RON
702,00 RON - 1.053,00 RON
260,00 RON - 520,00 RON
5.322,00 RON - 10.644,00 RON
1.516,00 RON - 2.274,00 RON
4.062,00 RON - 6.093,00 RON
357,00 RON - 6.069,00 RON
290,00 RON - 435,00 RON
1.731,20 RON - 21.640,00 RON
290,00 RON - 23.345,00 RON
420,00 RON - 630,00 RON
2.542,00 RON - 6.355,00 RON
700,00 RON - 1.050,00 RON
360,00 RON - 540,00 RON
180,00 RON - 2.520,00 RON
1.020,00 RON - 11.220,00 RON
240,00 RON - 720,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
582,96 RON - 874,44 RON
490,00 RON - 4.900,00 RON
599,76 RON - 10.195,92 RON
4.960,00 RON - 27.280,00 RON
840,00 RON - 13.020,00 RON
297,50 RON - 446,25 RON
480,00 RON - 720,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
690,00 RON - 3.450,00 RON
230,00 RON - 3.680,00 RON
409,80 RON - 614,70 RON
1.600,00 RON - 2.400,00 RON
520,00 RON - 780,00 RON
1.170,80 RON - 5.268,60 RON
3.200,00 RON - 4.800,00 RON
380,00 RON - 14.250,00 RON
300,00 RON - 750,00 RON
300,00 RON - 600,00 RON
18.600,00 RON - 27.900,00 RON
290,00 RON - 7.830,00 RON
540,00 RON - 24.300,00 RON
56,00 RON - 112,00 RON
793,60 RON - 1.190,40 RON
496,00 RON - 744,00 RON
60,00 RON - 1.350,00 RON
28,40 RON - 170,40 RON
30,00 RON - 240,00 RON
110,00 RON - 2.915,00 RON
519,00 RON - 778,50 RON
5.600,00 RON - 25.200,00 RON
3.600,00 RON - 12.600,00 RON
4.022,00 RON - 8.044,00 RON
409,80 RON - 6.966,60 RON
4.172,00 RON - 6.258,00 RON
3.200,00 RON - 8.000,00 RON
2.196,00 RON - 16.470,00 RON
240,00 RON - 480,00 RON
400,00 RON - 800,00 RON
130,00 RON - 4.940,00 RON
390,00 RON - 3.120,00 RON
159,92 RON - 2.238,88 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
236,00 RON - 8.850,00 RON
9.600,00 RON - 52.800,00 RON
587,70 RON - 881,55 RON
460,00 RON - 4.140,00 RON
430,00 RON - 645,00 RON
4.022,00 RON - 8.044,00 RON
757,80 RON - 2.273,40 RON
30,00 RON - 45,00 RON
218,00 RON - 436,00 RON
220,00 RON - 330,00 RON
296,00 RON - 1.480,00 RON
240,00 RON - 480,00 RON
52,00 RON - 520,00 RON
357,00 RON - 6.069,00 RON
1.840,00 RON - 10.120,00 RON
170,00 RON - 340,00 RON
90,00 RON - 135,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
2.900,00 RON - 17.400,00 RON
240,00 RON - 7.440,00 RON
246,00 RON - 1.476,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
290,00 RON - 5.220,00 RON
8.000,00 RON - 16.000,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
226,00 RON - 452,00 RON
60,00 RON - 90,00 RON
200,00 RON - 300,00 RON
240,00 RON - 6.240,00 RON
120,00 RON - 180,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
250,00 RON - 500,00 RON
240,00 RON - 480,00 RON
357,00 RON - 1.785,00 RON
1.980,00 RON - 16.830,00 RON
200,00 RON - 3.100,00 RON
496,00 RON - 744,00 RON
400,00 RON - 1.400,00 RON
96,80 RON - 2.662,00 RON
352,00 RON - 528,00 RON
520,00 RON - 780,00 RON
450,00 RON - 6.750,00 RON
582,96 RON - 874,44 RON
3.000,00 RON - 42.000,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
720,00 RON - 13.680,00 RON
4.022,00 RON - 6.033,00 RON
3.100,00 RON - 6.200,00 RON
4.870,00 RON - 24.350,00 RON
500,00 RON - 1.000,00 RON
408,64 RON - 4.290,72 RON
3.700,00 RON - 5.550,00 RON
750,00 RON - 1.500,00 RON
230,00 RON - 2.760,00 RON
80,00 RON - 120,00 RON
250,00 RON - 375,00 RON
240,00 RON - 1.680,00 RON
1.308,40 RON - 6.542,00 RON
4.978,00 RON - 37.335,00 RON
570,00 RON - 1.140,00 RON
3.600,00 RON - 75.600,00 RON
124,00 RON - 372,00 RON
326,00 RON - 14.670,00 RON
740,00 RON - 11.470,00 RON
250,00 RON - 750,00 RON
320,00 RON - 480,00 RON
968,00 RON - 1.452,00 RON
458,00 RON - 3.206,00 RON
2.526,20 RON - 88.417,00 RON
1.100,00 RON - 2.200,00 RON
434,00 RON - 6.727,00 RON
357,00 RON - 6.069,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
1.200,00 RON - 1.800,00 RON
420,00 RON - 1.260,00 RON
90,00 RON - 495,00 RON
582,96 RON - 9.910,32 RON
458,80 RON - 917,60 RON
42,00 RON - 630,00 RON
323,00 RON - 2.584,00 RON
144,00 RON - 288,00 RON
460,00 RON - 690,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
14.000,00 RON - 98.000,00 RON
192,00 RON - 288,00 RON
30,00 RON - 45,00 RON
1.978,20 RON - 14.836,50 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
500,00 RON - 1.750,00 RON
90,00 RON - 315,00 RON
320,00 RON - 480,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
3.775,00 RON - 11.325,00 RON
130,00 RON - 195,00 RON
242,00 RON - 726,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
240,00 RON - 480,00 RON
1.396,00 RON - 2.094,00 RON
240,00 RON - 360,00 RON
200,00 RON - 1.100,00 RON
48.000,00 RON - 72.000,00 RON
4.200,00 RON - 14.700,00 RON
157,80 RON - 315,60 RON
140,00 RON - 700,00 RON
194,00 RON - 679,00 RON
40,00 RON - 80,00 RON
2.166,00 RON - 75.810,00 RON
42,00 RON - 840,00 RON
54,00 RON - 135,00 RON
519,00 RON - 8.823,00 RON
60,00 RON - 750,00 RON
570,00 RON - 10.545,00 RON
2.388,00 RON - 5.970,00 RON
60,00 RON - 360,00 RON
582,96 RON - 874,44 RON
1.560,00 RON - 4.680,00 RON
320,00 RON - 480,00 RON
496,00 RON - 22.816,00 RON
740,00 RON - 1.110,00 RON
600,00 RON - 5.700,00 RON
2.388,00 RON - 5.970,00 RON
1.510,00 RON - 2.265,00 RON
32,00 RON - 832,00 RON
1.910,60 RON - 34.390,80 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
270,00 RON - 405,00 RON
234,00 RON - 6.435,00 RON
1.736,00 RON - 18.228,00 RON
4.978,00 RON - 14.934,00 RON
792,20 RON - 1.188,30 RON
194,00 RON - 1.164,00 RON
170,00 RON - 255,00 RON
458,80 RON - 1.147,00 RON
263,00 RON - 2.761,50 RON
180,00 RON - 360,00 RON
1.594,36 RON - 63.774,40 RON
260,00 RON - 1.560,00 RON
166,00 RON - 332,00 RON
582,96 RON - 874,44 RON
496,00 RON - 1.488,00 RON
408,00 RON - 11.424,00 RON
344,84 RON - 5.517,44 RON
40,00 RON - 160,00 RON
420,00 RON - 7.350,00 RON
94,00 RON - 940,00 RON
700,00 RON - 4.550,00 RON
1.600,00 RON - 2.400,00 RON
680,64 RON - 1.020,96 RON
520,80 RON - 3.124,80 RON
460,00 RON - 6.900,00 RON
314,00 RON - 628,00 RON
220,00 RON - 330,00 RON
1.040,00 RON - 1.560,00 RON
38,00 RON - 152,00 RON
400,00 RON - 1.200,00 RON
3.775,00 RON - 5.662,50 RON
59,40 RON - 1.633,50 RON
1.945,40 RON - 48.635,00 RON
580,00 RON - 4.640,00 RON
1.700,00 RON - 21.250,00 RON
582,96 RON - 874,44 RON
250,00 RON - 500,00 RON
9.700,00 RON - 33.950,00 RON
718,00 RON - 10.770,00 RON
850,00 RON - 4.250,00 RON
1.910,60 RON - 191.060,00 RON
10.000,00 RON - 15.000,00 RON
900,00 RON - 81.000,00 RON
74,00 RON - 370,00 RON
604,00 RON - 906,00 RON
850,00 RON - 4.250,00 RON
844,00 RON - 1.266,00 RON
10.000,00 RON - 105.000,00 RON
1.600,00 RON - 2.400,00 RON
226,00 RON - 904,00 RON
968,00 RON - 1.452,00 RON
55,20 RON - 165,60 RON
231,96 RON - 2.435,58 RON
470,00 RON - 14.570,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
500,00 RON - 1.750,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
1.964,56 RON - 6.875,96 RON
344,84 RON - 8.103,74 RON
250,00 RON - 375,00 RON
4.200,00 RON - 8.400,00 RON
91,72 RON - 1.375,80 RON
604,00 RON - 906,00 RON
10.000,00 RON - 15.000,00 RON
150,00 RON - 11.925,00 RON
3.212,00 RON - 8.030,00 RON
10.000,00 RON - 15.000,00 RON
990,00 RON - 80.190,00 RON
10.000,00 RON - 105.000,00 RON
3.140,00 RON - 4.710,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
595,60 RON - 1.191,20 RON
100,00 RON - 7.500,00 RON
500,00 RON - 5.000,00 RON
4.620,00 RON - 9.240,00 RON
274,00 RON - 411,00 RON
212,00 RON - 424,00 RON
140,00 RON - 210,00 RON
48,00 RON - 96,00 RON
757,80 RON - 1.136,70 RON
250,00 RON - 375,00 RON
484,88 RON - 2.424,40 RON
100,00 RON - 1.200,00 RON
290,12 RON - 580,24 RON
1.534,00 RON - 2.301,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
300,00 RON - 450,00 RON
60,00 RON - 630,00 RON
500,00 RON - 6.250,00 RON
230,00 RON - 690,00 RON
1.594,36 RON - 71.746,20 RON
164,00 RON - 246,00 RON
1.363,00 RON - 54.520,00 RON
280,00 RON - 3.080,00 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
2.388,00 RON - 5.970,00 RON
540,00 RON - 14.850,00 RON
160,00 RON - 320,00 RON
680,64 RON - 11.570,88 RON
3.000,00 RON - 19.500,00 RON
650,00 RON - 975,00 RON
4.978,00 RON - 27.379,00 RON
620,00 RON - 3.720,00 RON
4.000,00 RON - 8.000,00 RON
14.000,00 RON - 98.000,00 RON
884,24 RON - 1.768,48 RON
59,40 RON - 89,10 RON
2.680,00 RON - 13.400,00 RON
1.840,00 RON - 25.760,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
196,00 RON - 3.038,00 RON
297,50 RON - 446,25 RON
600,00 RON - 900,00 RON
44,62 RON - 66,93 RON
174,00 RON - 435,00 RON
595,60 RON - 19.952,60 RON
124,00 RON - 620,00 RON
34,60 RON - 242,20 RON
357,00 RON - 535,50 RON
400,00 RON - 1.400,00 RON
360,00 RON - 720,00 RON
1.400,00 RON - 4.900,00 RON
460,00 RON - 3.450,00 RON
657,00 RON - 985,50 RON
309,40 RON - 928,20 RON
3.775,00 RON - 5.662,50 RON
270,00 RON - 405,00 RON
197,00 RON - 3.447,50 RON
68,00 RON - 272,00 RON
504,58 RON - 756,87 RON
262,00 RON - 4.323,00 RON
80,00 RON - 160,00 RON
980,00 RON - 5.880,00 RON
3.200,00 RON - 4.800,00 RON
174,00 RON - 261,00 RON
740,00 RON - 10.730,00 RON
330,00 RON - 4.620,00 RON
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337. Izopropanol, cant min 2 cant max 3. 239. TSA- Tryptone soya agar, cant min 2 cant max 6. 201. Telurit de potasiu 1%, cant min 2 cant max 25. 206. L(*)-Rhamnose-Monohydrat, cant min 2 cant max 12. 263. STAFPH-ASE-PLASMA LIOFILIZATA IEPURE, cant min 2 cant max 150. 37. Ac. Palmitic, cant minima 2...
337. Izopropanol, cant min 2 cant max 3. 239. TSA- Tryptone soya agar, cant min 2 cant max 6. 201. Telurit de potasiu 1%, cant min 2 cant max 25. 206. L(*)-Rhamnose-Monohydrat, cant min 2 cant max 12. 263. STAFPH-ASE-PLASMA LIOFILIZATA IEPURE, cant min 2 cant max 150. 37. Ac. Palmitic, cant minima 2 cant maxima 4. 59. MgO, cant min 2 cant max 4. 149. Florfenicol- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 163. Ser monovalent determinant de grup I (O: 16), cant min 2 cant max 3. 292. Kit pentru detectia anticorpilor antivirus pesta porcina africana prin tehnica imunoenzimatica (ELISA- indirecta) – kit ELISA –indirecta cu 5 placi x 96 godeuri / placa, cant min 2 cant max 7. 205. Reactiv Indicator sterilizare uscate, cant min 2 cant max 16. 166. Ser monovalent determinant de grupE1-E4(O: 34,10,15), cant min 2 cant max 3. 171. Mediu MYP Bacillus Cereus Agar Base+supliment, cant min 2 cant max 3. 264. TELURIT DE K 1%, cant min 2 cant max 45. 272. Oleu de cedru, cant min 2 cant max 8. 173. Toluen, cant min 2 cant max 3. 31. Pepsină, cant minima 2 cant maxima 10. 164. Ser monovalent determinant de grup L (O: 21), cant min 2 cant max 3. 135. Mediu cu Lizina, cant min 2 cant max 10. 167. Spectinomicina- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 51. Eter etilic, cant minima 2 cant maxima 10. 4. Hidroxid de sodium, cant min 2 cant max 3. 7. Kit pentru diagnosticul serologic al Leucozei Enzootice Bovine (LEB) prin testul de 6imunodifuzie in gel de agar (AGID), cant min 2 cant max 5. 281. Hidroxid de sodiu cod Sigma 72082-100, cant min 2 cant max 3. 282. Metanol solutie standard, cant min 2 cant max 50. 332. Sondă UPL nr.162 (04694490001), 2 tuburi, fiecare contine 125µl solutie sonda de hidroliza de concentratie 10pmol/µl : 5'-6FAM-GGCCAGGA-dark quencher-3'- de la Roche, pentru diag.PPA(Pesta porcina africana)-Real Time, cantitate 5nmol, cant min 2 cant max 12. 336. R-away, cant min 2 cant max 7. 66. Solutie de calibrare Certipur pentru Refractometru, cant min 2 cant max 3. 36. 4-Dimetilaminobenzaldehida (p-DMBA), cant minima 2 cant maxima 10. 260. HRIMAPRO SCC KIT, cant min 2 cant max 80. 238. Test interlaborator- matrice lapte praf -analit -Enumerarea Escherichia Coli glucoronidaza pozitiva., cant min 2 cant max 4. 87. Material de referinta -componente nutritionale-hrana pentru caini, cant min 2 cant max 3. 22. Bulion selenit-Selenite F. broth Twin pack, cant min 2 cant max 4. 80. Sulfat de amoniu, cant min 2 cant max 4. 82. Amidon, cant min 2 cant max 4. 64. Soda caustica, cant min 2 cant max 52. 67. Indicator sterilizare uscate, cant min 2 cant max 3. 123. Lizina- Decarboxilaze lyzine broth -Taylor, cant min 2 cant max 3. 8. ND-test/set pentru diagnosticul bolii de Newcastle prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii 100 teste, cant min 2 cant maxima 76. 124. Solutie PBS Twen 20, cant min 2 cant max 6. 83. Material de referinta calitate-miere, cant min 2 cant max. 328. RNASIN-Inhibittor de Reneaza-40UI/ml (Rneaseout recombinat ribonuclease inhibitor), cant min 2 cant max 3. 270. AGAR MCCDA, cant min 2 cant max 19. 223. Supliment slectiv CCDA Campylobacter, cant min 2 cant max 35. 130. Agar Violet Red Bile Glucose, cant min 2 cant max 75. 253. Tulpina de referinta Staphylococus saprophyticus 00159b, cant min 2 cant max 3. 246. Tulpina de referinta Listeria monocytogenes 00109, cant min 2 cant max 3. 283. TEMPO BAGS, cant min 2 cant max 50. 251. Tulpina de referinta Staphylococus aureus 00034b, cant min 2 cant max 3. 275. Tulpina de referinta Asperigillus restrictus WDCM 00183, cant min 2 cant max 3. 249. Tulpina de referinta Salmonella Enteritidis 00030, cant min 2 cant max 3. 243. Tulpina de referinta Escherichia coli 00012 sau 00013, cant min 2 cant max 3. 119. Kit Elisa Determinare Aflatoxine totale, cant min 2 cant max 6. 122. Kit Elisa Determinare Zearalenona, cant min 2 cant max 11. 97. Material de referinta pentru PAH matrice animal, cant min 2 cant max 3. 156. Penicilina- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 188. Bulion nutitiv Nutrient broth, cant min 2 cant max 4. 182. Agar TBX, cant min 2 cant max 37. 144. Amoxicilina - discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 153. Mueller Hinton broth, cant min 2 cant max 3. 146. Cefalexin- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 147. Ciprofloxacin- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 151. Gentamicina - discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 145. Ampicilina- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 21. Benzi control oxidaza, cant min 2 cant maxima 24. 154. Norfloxacin- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 148. Doxiciclina- discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 296. Agar nutritiv- Nutrient agar, cant min 2 cant max 3. 204. Indicator sterilizare umeda, cant min 2 cant max 16. 187. Bulion MK tetrationat, cant min 2 cant max 90. 172. Mediu MIU, cant min 2 cant max 3. 303. Medii MIU, cant min 2 cant max 4. 155. Oxitetraciclina - discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 169. Tetraciclina - discuri de hartie, cant min 2 cant max 3. 335. Sondă KING S: 5’-FAM-CCACGGGAGGAATACCAACCCAGTG-TAMRA-3' pentru diag.PPA, Real-Time, pentru 1000reactii, cant min 2 cant max 7. 320. Kit amplificare ADN prin tehnica Real Time-PCR- 250reactii/kit, cant min 2 cant max 28. 318. Apa ultrapura pt. Bio. Mol., cant min 2 cant max 12. 333. Primer KING F: 5'-CTGCTCATGGTATCAATCTTATCGA-3', pentru diag.PPA, Real-Time, pentru 1000reactii, cant min 2 cant max 7. 334. Primer KING R: 5'- GATACCACAAGATCRGCCGT-3', pentru diag.PPA, Real-Time, pentru 1000reactii, cant min 2 cant max 7. 319. Etanol absolut (puritate pt. Bio.Mol.), cant min 2 cant max 16. 284. Reactivi TFS 10X, cant min 2 cant max 12. 322. Kit universal extractie acizi nucleici (ADN si ARN viral, ADN bacterian), special conceput pentru diagnosticul veterinar-50reactii/kit, cant min 2 cant max 200. 9. Set pentru diagnosticul Anemiei infectioasa ecvine prin testul de imunodifuzie in gel de agar (test Coggins)350 teste, cant min 2 cant max 22. 5. Kit Elisa de competitie pentru detectia anticorpilor specifici ai proteinei VP-7 a virusului Bluetongue (kit ELISA de competitie - 5 placi x 96 god./placa) pentru 460 probe/kit., cant min 2 cant maxima 5. 289. Conjugat adsorbit, liofilizat anti-nucleocapsida-virus rabic pentru diagnosticul virusologic al rabiei din frotiuri de creier, prin imunoflorescenta directa/48 teste, cant min 2 cant max 6. 6. Kit pentru diagnosticul serologic al Leucozei Enzootice Bovine (LEB) prin tehnica ELISA, cant min 2 cant maxima 13. 300. Mediu-Apa peptonata tamponata, cant min 2 cant max 12. 132. Apa peptonata tamponata, cant min 2 cant max 100. 291. Kit Elisa de competitie pentru detectia anticorpilor specifici ai proteinei VP-7 a virusului Bluetongue (kit ELISA de competitie - 5 placi x 96 god./placa) pentru 460 teste/kit, cant min 2 cant max 7. 118. Kit Elisa Determinare Aflatoxina B1, cant min 2 cant max 15. 110. Standard Zearalenona, cant min 2 cant max 5. 117. Kit coloane de imunoafinitate pentru Ochratoxina A, cant min 2 cant max 15. 109. Standard Ochratonina A, cant min 2 cant min 5. 105. Standard AflatoxinaTotala, cant min 2 cant max 5. 104. Standard AflatoxinaB1, cant min 2 cant max 5. 120. Kit Elisa Determinare Deoxinivalenol, cant min 2 cant max 11. 121. Kit Elisa Determinare Ochratoxina A, cant min 2 cant max 10. 116. Kit coloane de imunoafinitate pentru Aflatoxine, cant min 2 cant max 21. 100. Methanol, cant min 2 cant max 55. 286. Antigen H7N7 folosit pentru diagnosticul Gripei aviare prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii, cant min 2 cant max 21. 285. Antigen H5N3 folosit pentru diagnosticul Gripei aviare prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii, cant min 2 cant max 21. 108. Standard Deoxinivalenol, cant min 2 cant max 5. 13. Kit pentru detectia anticorpilor anti-Brucella la bovine prin tehnica ELISA indirecta., cant min 2 cant maxima 7. 18. Bulion Giolitti Cantoni, cant min 2 cant maxima 18. 225. Telurit de potasiu 3.5%, cant min 2 cant max 35. 197. Emulsie de ou, cant min 2 cant max 85. 10. Antigen brucelic colorat cu Roz Bengal pentru RSAR-RBT (Fl. x 100 ml (3300 dz/fl)), cant min 2 cant max 25. 213. MEDIU VRBL(violet red bile lactose agar), cant min 2 cant max 15. 133. Discuri ONPG, cant min 2 cant max 30. 215. Sabouraud agar, cant min 2 cant max 33. 137. Reactiv KOVACS, cant min 2 cant max 10. 179. Agar Palcam, cant min 2 cant max 38. 207. Lauril sulphat agar, cant min 2 cant max 21. 232. Test interlaborator matrice- apă -analiti- Enumerarea germenilor aerobi la 22 şi 37°C, Escherichia coli; Coliformi Enterococci (streptococi fecali), cant min 2 cant max 4. 234. TEST interlaborator-matrice lapte praf-analit detectie si enumerare enterobacteriacee, cant min 2 cant max 3. 233. Test interlaborator-Matrice lapte praf-analit -Enumerare Listeria monocytogenes, cant min 2 cant max 4. 194. D(+)-Xylose, cant min 2 cant max 22. 62. P-Toluidina, cant min 2 cant max 17. 74. Sulfat de Zinc heptahidratat (ZnSO4 x 7 H2O), cant min 2 cant max 4. 61. N-NDA( C12H14N2x2HCl), cant min 2 cant max 6. 27. Material de referinta -amoniu, cant minima 2 cant maxima 3. 33. Acid clorhidirc 37%, cant minima 2 cant maxima 11. 26. Test Nitrat, cant minima 2 cant maxima 11. 72. Sulfat de Cupru (CuSO4 x5H2O), cant min 2 cant max 4. 24. Test Amoniu, cant min 2 cant maxima 4. 1. Ac. Boric, cant min 2 cant maxima 5. 220. Supliment Preston modificat, cant min 2 cant max 31. 139. Ser antisalmonella polivalent OMB (C,F,G,H), cant min 2 cant max 10. 138. Ser antisalmonella polivalent OMA (A,B,D,E,L), cant min 2 cant max 10. 339. Kit ELISA ESB metoda dublu sandwich (768 teste), cant min 2 cant max 14. 230. Tempo STA, cant min 2 cant max 25. 231. Tempo YM, cant min 2 cant max 15. 256. Vidas LMO2, cant min 2 cant max 70. 259. VITEK 2 GP, cant min 2 cant max 10. 269. INDICATOR ANAEROBIC, cant min 2 cant max 31. 268. TULPINA DE REFERINTA RODOCCUS EQUI, cant min 2 cant max 3. 255. Vidas Campylobacter, cant min 2 cant max 7. 258. VITEK 2 GN, cant min 2 cant max 10. 257. Vidas Salmonella SPT, cant min 2 cant max 70. 229. Tempo QC, cant min 2 cant max 10. 200. Genbox microaerofil, cant min 2 cant max 28. 227. Tempo EB, cant min 2 cant max 90. 198. Genbag microaerofil, cant min 2 cant max 28. 189. Campyfood ID agar, cant min 2 cant max 21. 195. DENSICHEK calibration standard, cant min 2 cant max 4. 226. Tempo aerobic count, cant min 2 cant max 10. 228. Tempo EC, cant min 2 cant 80. 224. Supliment SPT, cant min 2 cant max 30. 338. Kit ELISA Scrapie metoda cu polimeri chimici(460 teste), cant min 2 cant max 14. 271. CRIOBILE, cant min 2 cant max 7. 202. Glucose OF medium, cant min 2 cant max 14. 41. Al. etilic absolut, cant minima 2, cant maxima 7. 56. Iod metalic, cant min 2 cant max 3. 23. Permanganat de potasiu, cant min 2 cant max 3. 44. Azotat de argint, titrofix 0,1n, cant minima 2, cant maxima 14. 19. Mediu P.C.A. (Plate Count Agar), cant min 2 cant maxima 54. 203. Glucoza, cant min 2 cant max 5. 131. Agar XLD, cant min 2 cant max 92. 273. Triptona, cant min 2 cant max 3. 150. Galerii API 20E, cant min 2 cant max 3. 11. Kit imunoenzimatic (iELISA) pentru detectia anticorpilor anti-B. ovis., cant min 2 cant maxima 9. 297. Agar Rambach +supliment 2,5 ml, cant min 2 cant max 4. 28. Material de referinta -nitrat, cant minima 2 cant maxima 3. 54. Fosfat disodic, cant min 2 cant max 3. 34. Bicarbonat de sodiu, cant minima 2 cant maxima 12. 32. Acid azotic 65%, cant minima 2 cant maxima 8. 52. Fenoftaleina, cant min 2 cant max 3. 16. Apa oxigenata 30%, cant min 2 cant maxima12. 73. Sulfat de Potasiu (K2SO4), cant min 2 cant max 21. 192. Clorura de sodiu, cant min 2 cant max 55. 106. Standard Cadmiu, cant min 2 cant max 4. 75. Tartrat Na, K, cant min 2 cant max 4. 88. Acid ortofosforic, cant min 2 cant max 3. 134. Glicerina anhidra, cant min 2 cant max 30. 107. Standard Cupru, cant min 2 cant max 4. 101. n-Hexan, cant min 2 cant max 20. 39. Acid Sulfuric Conc, 98%, cant minima 2 cant maxima 53. 71. Solutie pastrare electrod pH, cant min 2 cant max 3. 70. Solutie etalon pH=9,2 1buc=250 ml, cant min 2 cant max 3. 57. L-hidroxiprolina, cant min 2 cant max 3. 29. Material de referinta -nitrit, cant minima 2 cant maxima 3. 58. L-Triptofan, cant min 2 cant max 3. 141. Uree 40% pentru mediu MIU, cant min 2 cant max 47. 3. Agar Noble, cant min 2 cant maxima 3. 245. Tulpina de referinta Listeria monocytogenes 00021b, cant min 2 cant max 3. 250. Tulpina de referinta Salmonella Typhimurium 00031, cant min 2 cant max 3. 244. Tulpina de referinta Listeria innocua 00017, cant min 2 cant max 3. 247. Tulpina de referinta Saccharomyces Cerevisiae ATCC 9763, cant min 2 cant max 3. 241. Tulpina de referinta Citrobacter freundii 00006, cant min 2 cant max 3. 242. Tulpina de referinta Enterococcus faecalis 00009 sau 00087, cant min 2 cant max 3. 240. Tulpina de referinta Campylobacter coli 00005, cant min 2 cant max 3. 248. Tulpina de referinta Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica ATCC 14028, cant min 2 cant max 3. 168. Sulfamilamida, cant min 2 cant max 3. 53. Ferocianura de potasiu, cant minima 2 cant maxima 6. 170. Violet de gentiana, cant min 2 cant max 3. 60. Nitrit sodiu, cant min 2 cant max 4. 209. Mediu CCA (Chromoplate Coliform Agar), cant min 2 cant max 28. 252. Tulpina de referinta Staphylococus epidermidis 00036, cant min 2 cant max 3. 299. Mediu XLD, cant min 2 cant max 6. 84. Material de referinta -componente nutritionale-carne, cant min 2 cant max 3. 85. Material de referinta -componente nutritionale-lapte condensat, cant min 2 cant max 3. 86. Material de referinta -componente nutritionale-suc de fructe, cant min 2 cant max 3. 191. Supliment Cloramfenicol, cant min 2 cant max 75. 216. Salmonella Selective Supliment, cant min 2 cant max 90. 214. OCLA Selective Supliment, cant min 2 cant max 62. 222. Supliment selectiv Novobiocina, cant min 2 cant max 161. 219. Supliment Palcam, cant min 2 cant max 56. 217. Sânge lacat de cal, cant min 2 cant max 31. 210. Mediu Cromogenic Salmonella, cant min 2 cant max 42. 190. Chromogenic Listeria agar, cant min 2 cant max 30. 128. Agar MSRV(Rappaport Vassiliadis modificat), cant min 2 cant max 6. 177. Agar dicloran glycerol, cant min 2 cant max 36. 186. Bulion Frasser cu supliment, cant min 2 cant max 31. 20. Mediu Slanetz&Bartley, cant min 2 cant maxima 30. 142. Agar Mac Conkey No: 3, cant min 2 cant max 3. 136. Rappaport Vassiliadis soybean meal broth, cant min 2 cant max 52. 175. Agar Baird Parker, cant min 2 cant max 28. 183. Brilliance Listeria Differential Supplement, cant min 2 cant max 62. 129. Agar TSI, cant min 2 cant max 5. 265. AGAR BBLV, cant min 2 cant max 20. 295. Mediu MSRV(Rappaport Vassiliadis modificat), cant min 2 cant max 3. 274. Supliment Fraser, cant min 2 cant max 159. 313. Mediu-Supliment selectiv Novobiocina, cant min 2 cant max 3. 298. Mediu TSI, cant min 2 cant max 4. 316. Mediu-Agar Mac Conkey No: 3, cant min 2 cant max 3. 290. Kit pentru detecţia anticorpilor specifici anti-Pesta porcina clasica (PPC) din ser sau plasma prin tehnica ELISA de blocare (kit ELISA CSFV ab - 5 placi x 96 god./placa) pentru 460 probe/kit., cant min 2 cant max 11. 314. Mediu cu Lizina- Decarboxilaze lyzine broth -Taylor, cant min 2 cant max 3. 185. Bulion Demi- Fraser cu supliment, cant min 2 cant max 180. 40. Acid oxalic, titrofix 0,1n, cant minima 2, cant maxima 8. 50. Eter de petrol, cant minima 2, cant maxima 20. 81. Zaharoza, cant min 2 cant max 3. 78. Tiosulfat de Na,titrofix 0,1n, cant min 2 cant max 4. 48. Cloramina –T, cant minima 2, cant maxima 4. 126. Test interlaborator - Matrice cafea-analit-Ochratoxina A, cant min 2 cant max 4. 312. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grupE1-E4(O: 34,10,15), cant min 2 cant max 34. 309. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grup D (O:9), cant min 2 cant max 34. 306. Reactiv-Ser antisalmonella polivalent OMB (C,F,G,H), cant min 2 cant max 34. 308. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grup C(O:6,7,8), cant min 2 cant max 34. 310. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grup G (O: 13,22,23), cant min 2 cant max 34. 311. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grupE1-E4(O: 1,3,19), cant min 2 cant max 34. 305. Reactiv-Ser antisalmonella polivalent OMA (A,B,D,E,L), cant min 2 cant max 34. 307. Reactiv-Ser monovalent determinant de grup B(O:4), cant min 2 cant max 34. 165. Ser monovalent determinant de grupE1-E4(O: 1,3,19), cant min 2 cant max 3. 162. Ser monovalent determinant de grup H (O: 6,14), cant min 2 cant max 3. 161. Ser monovalent determinant de grup G (O: 13,22,23), cant min 2 cant max 3. 158. Ser monovalent determinant de grup C(O:6,7,8), cant min 2 cant max 3. 157. Ser monovalent determinant de grup B(O:4), cant min 2 cant max 3. 159. Ser monovalent determinant de grup D (O:9), cant min 2 cant max 3. 160. Ser monovalent determinant de grup F (O: 11), cant min 2 cant max 3. 69. Solutie etalon pH=7, 1buc=250 ml, cant min 2 cant max 6. 111. Standard benzo antracen, cant min 2 cant max 4. 112. Standard benz pyren, cant min 2 cant max 4. 103. Solutie etalon benzo(b)fluoranthene, cant min 2 cant max 4. 125. TEST interlaborator: Matrice : Cereale-analit-Zearalenona, cant min 2 cant max 4. 98. Material de referinta pentru PAH matrice non animal-ulei, cant min 2 cant max 3. 99. Material de referinta pentru Plumb, cant min 2 cant max 3. 113. Standard mix, cant min 2 cant max 4. 91. Material de referinta pentru -Cadmiu, cant min 2 cant max 3. 76. TEST interlaborator: Matrice : FAINA DE GRAU- analit-componente nutririonale, cant min 2 cant max 3. 45. Bicromat de K, titrofix 0,1n, cant minima 2, cant maxima 4. 65. Solutie curatare electrod pH, cant min 2 cant max 4. 68. Solutie etalon pH=4, 1buc=250 ml, cant min 2 cant max 3. 278. PBST -cod Sigma P4417-100, cant min 2 cant max 3. 237. Test interlaborator-matrice carne-analit Enumerare Campylobacter specie, cant min 2 cant max 4. 236. Test interlaborator-Matrice lapte praf- analit Enumerare stafiloccoc coagulazo pozitiv, cant min 2 cant max 4. 235. Test interlaborator- matrice lapte praf -analit -detectie Listeria monocytogenes., cant min 2 cant max 3. 127. Test interlaborator-matrice puree de grapefruit-analit cadmiu, plumb, cant min 2 cant max 4. 92. Material de referinta pentru Micotoxine -Aflatoxie totale, cant min 2 cant max 3. 95. Material de referinta pentru Micotoxine –Ochratoxina A, cant min 2 cant max 3. 94. Material de referinta pentru Micotoxine -Deoxinivalenol, cant min 2 cant max 3. 14. Martor de referinta negativ (Control Negativ), cant min 2 cant max 3. 96. Material de referinta pentru - Zearalenona, cant min 2 cant max 3. 93. Material de referinta pentru Micotoxine -Aflatoxina B1, cant min 2 cant max 3. 212. Mediu Pseudomonas C.N., cant min 2 cant max 3. 176. Agar Baird Parker + RPF, cant min 2 cant max 55. 143. Albastru de metilen, cant min 2 cant max 4. 152. Microkit coloratie micobacterii Ziehl-Neelsen, cant min 2 cant max 3. 35. Iodura de Potasiu, cant minima 2 cant maxima 32. 208. Lugol solutie, cant min 2 cant max 6. 63. Rosu metil, cant min 2 cant max 3. 55. Hidroxid de sodiu pelete, cant min 2 cant max 20. 294. Alcool etilic absolut, cant min 2 cant max 3. 211. Mediu OF Baza, cant min 2 cant max 10. 178. Agar nutritiv, cant min 2 cant max 6. 17. Bila esculina, cant min 2 cant maxima 12. 288. ser pozitiv H7N7 folosit pentru diagnosticul Gripei aviare prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii, cant min 2 cant max 3. 293. Ser negativ SPF folosit pentru diagnosticul Gripei aviare prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii, cant min 2 cant max 3. 287. ser pozitiv H5N3 folosit pentru diagnosticul Gripei aviare prin reactia de inhibare a hemaglutinarii, cant min 2 cant max 3. 180. Agar Rambach, cant min 2 cant max 67. 301. Reactiv-Discuri ONPG, cant min 2 cant max 40. 304. Reactivi KOVACS, cant min 2 cant max 6. 317. Mediu-Uree 40% pentru mediu MIU, cant min 2 cant max 32. 140. Urea agar base (Agar Christensen), cant min 2 cant max 4. 276. Dynal GC Combo 5 ml, cant min 2 cant max 3. 277. Aqua GLO G/C Direct Accuspike, cant min 2 cant max 3. 302. Reactiv-Galerii API 20E, cant min 2 cant max 3. 199. Genbox Jar 7,0 l, cant min 2 cant max 9. 15. Martor de referinta pozitiv (Control Pozitiv), cant min 2 cant max 3. 12. Kit imunoenzimatic (iELISA) pentru detectia anticorpilor anti-Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (Screening)/ Mycobacterium paratuberculosis Antibody Test Kit (screening), cant min 2 cant max 4. 254. Tulpina de referinta Wallemia Sebi ATCC 42694, cant min 2 cant max 3. 266. AGAR TSYEA, cant min 2 cant max 7. 261. BULION BOLTON, cant min 2 cant max 13. 218. Supliment Campylobacter Growth, cant min 2 cant max 31. 221. Supliment RPFpt. Mediu Baird Parker pulbere, cant min 2 cant max 162. 267. AGAR TSYEB, cant min 2 cant max 7. 262. SUPLIMENT BOLTON, cant min 2 cant max 29. 174. Agar ALOA, dsvsa brasov calea feldioarei 20 A. 181. Agar selectiv pentru Campylobacter, cant min 2 cant max 16. 193. Combibag, cant min 2 cant max 21. 184. Bulion nutritiv Preston, caant min 2 cant max 12. 323. Primeri custom, scala de sinteza 40nmoli, set pentru AIV-Real Time, cant min 2 cant max 4. 326. Primer ASF VP72-F sequence 5'-CCCAGGRGATAAAATGACTG-3' (forward primer)pentru diag.PPA(Pestei porcine africane)-Real Time, scala de sinteza 20/40nmoli,, cant min 2 cant max 11. 325. Primeri specifici pentru diag. BTV(Bluetonque)-Real Time, scala de sinteza 40nmoli,, cant min 2 cant max 3. 321. Kit revers-transcriere si amplificare ARN tehnologie one-step (amplificare Real Time-PCR)-, cant min 2 cant max 36. 324. Primeri custom, scala de sinteza 40nmoli, set pentru PPC-Real Time, cant min 2 cant max 6. 327. Primer ASF VP72-R-sequence 5'- CACTRGTTCCCTCCACCGATA-3' (reverse primer),pentru diag.PPA(Pestei porcine africane)-Real Time, scala de sinteza 20/40nmoli,, cant min 2 cant max 11. 330. Sonda marcata, FAM/BHQ canti tate 5nmol pentru PPC-Real Time, cant min 2 cant max 6. 329. Sonda marcata, cantitate 5nmol pentru AIV-Real Time, cant min 2 cant max 3. 331. Sonda marcata, specifica pentru BTV (Bluetongue)-Real Time, cantitate 5nmol, cant min 2 cant max 3. 46. Carbonat Sodiu (anhidru), cant minima 2, cant maxima 4. 38. Acetanilida, 1buc=5g, cant minima 2 cant maxima 4. 47. Chloride standard solutionCertipur, cant minima 2, cant maxima 3. 42. Al. Isoamilic, cant minima 2, cant maxima 6. 43. Alaun de potasiu, cant minima 2, cant maxima 3. 49. Cromat de potasiu, cant minima 2, cant maxima 4. 2. Tampon fosfat salin (TFS) 10X sau PBS, cant min 2 cant max 7. 25. Test clor residual, cant min 2 cant maxima 3. 30. Acid clorhidric 25%, cant minima 2 cant maxima 8. 77. Tetraborat de sodium, cant min 2 cant max 3. 89. Apa ultrapura, cant min 2 cant max 24. 79. Verde bromcrezol, 98%, 1Buc=5g, cant min 2 cant max 3. 279. Tween 20 -cod Sigma P7949-100, cant min 2 cant max 3. 315. Reactiv-Clorura de sodiu, cant min 2 cant max 3. 280. Acid clorhidric 0,1 N cod Sigma 84434-100, cant min 2 cant max 3. 115. Acetonitril, cant min 2 cant max 55. 90. Cloroform 2.5 l, cant min 2 cant max 16. 114. Acetona, cant min 2 cant max 14. 196. E.C Broth, cant min 2 cant max 4. 102. Solutie etalon chrysene, cant min 2 cant min 4.
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