I.D.: 36715157

Achizitie servicii de expertiza tehnica a construcţiei metalice si din beton, ce compun structura de rezistenta aferenta camerelor de cocs si a estacadei din instalatia Cocsare/Purchase of the metallic and concrete construction Technical Expertise, consisting in the coke chambers and scaffold bridge resistance structure within the Coker Plant

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21.06.19 Exista 515 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
71319000-7 71324000-5 79419000-4
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Achizitie servicii de expertiza tehnica a construcţiei metalice si din beton, ce compun structura de rezistenta aferenta camerelor de cocs si a estacadei din instalatia Cocsare/Purchase of the metallic and concrete construction Technical Expertise, consisting in the coke chambers and scaffold bridge resistance structure within the Coker Plant
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Titlul Data inchiderii
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Supplyer for Process Design Package for Revamping of the Delayed Coker Unit 22.05.17
Procurement of Equipment and Construction – Field Assembly for accomplishing the objective, Replacing Air Compressors within PADAAG Plant 30.05.19
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