I.D.: 44441357

9781118356463 Writing Children′s Books For Dummies

Data publicarii
04.11.19 Exista 4.815 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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85,71 RON - 85,71 RON
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Everything aspiring authors need to write, publish, and sell a children's book Everyone loves a children's book and many dream about writing one. But is it actually possible for an unpublished writer armed with a good story idea and a love of kids to write, sell, publish, and promote a book? Yes, it is! Clearly and concisely written with straightforward advice and a plethora of specific up-to-date recommendations, Writing C...
Everything aspiring authors need to write, publish, and sell a children's book Everyone loves a children's book and many dream about writing one. But is it actually possible for an unpublished writer armed with a good story idea and a love of kids to write, sell, publish, and promote a book? Yes, it is! Clearly and concisely written with straightforward advice and a plethora of specific up-to-date recommendations, Writing Children's Books For Dummies provides step-by-step information on everything aspiring children's book authors need to know from researching the current marketplace to developing story ideas, strengthening writing skills, dealing with editors, and submitting proposals and manuscripts to agents and publishers. * Updated and improved writing exercises * All new content on social media and establishing an online presence as an author * Fresh, updated content on publishing via hard copy and all the e- platforms From setting down that first word on paper to doing a successful publicity tour, Writing Children's Books For Dummies gives you the confidence and the insiders' know-how to write and sell the story you've always wanted to write.
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