I.D.: 44443119

9780763633080 Mr. George Baker

Data publicarii
04.11.19 Exista 2.090 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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72,38 RON - 72,38 RON
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"An upbeat, hopeful tale that speaks compellingly to intergenerational friendship." — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY George Baker and Harry don’t seem the likeliest of friends. Yet, sitting side by side on George’s porch, waiting for the school bus to come, the two have plenty in common, this hundred-year-old musician with the crookedy fingers going tappidy on his knees and the young schoolboy whose shoelaces always need tying. They’re...
"An upbeat, hopeful tale that speaks compellingly to intergenerational friendship." — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY George Baker and Harry don’t seem the likeliest of friends. Yet, sitting side by side on George’s porch, waiting for the school bus to come, the two have plenty in common, this hundred-year-old musician with the crookedy fingers going tappidy on his knees and the young schoolboy whose shoelaces always need tying. They’re both learning to read, which is hard — but what’s easy is the warm friendship they share. In an inspired pairing, a best-selling author and illustrator pay tribute to the power of language and intergenerational bonds.
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