I.D.: 89045618

81301720-Provision of consulting services on floating photovoltaics, energy storage and offshore wind

Data publicarii
08.11.23 Exista 551 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
Pretul estimativ:
282.730,00 EUR
Locul realizarii:
Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
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The contractor is responsible for providing the services described in the following work packages:Work package 1: Technical support on floating photovoltaics in CyprusTask 1.1: Provision of capacity building on FPV in CyprusAt the beginning of his assignment, the contractor shall organize a kick-off meeting with the participation of GIZ and the Cypriot project partners. In addition, the contractor shall or...
The contractor is responsible for providing the services described in the following work packages:Work package 1: Technical support on floating photovoltaics in CyprusTask 1.1: Provision of capacity building on FPV in CyprusAt the beginning of his assignment, the contractor shall organize a kick-off meeting with the participation of GIZ and the Cypriot project partners. In addition, the contractor shall organize an introductory training on FPV with a minimum duration of three hours.Throughout the implementation of work package 1, the contractor shall be available to answer specific additional questions of the Cypriot project partners with regard to FPV.Task 1.2: Analysis of the feasibility and the potential of FPV in CyprusIn the context of this task, the contractor shall analyse the feasibility of the installation and operation of FPV projects in dams and reservoirs in Cyprus. For this purpose, the contractor shall select three (3) exemplary dams or reservoirs for which the feasibility of the installation of FPV systems shall be assessed. The feasibility study shall include, for each of the three exemplary dams or reservoirs separately, an assessment of the technical, economic and socio-environmental feasibility of the installation of FPV projects at the respective locations.From the above-mentioned feasibility assessment, the contractor shall derive general conclusions with regard to the feasibility of the implementation of FPV projects in Cyprus. He shall identify potential challenges and formulate recommendations with regard to the development of this technology in Cyprus, including possibilities to address the identified challenges as well as important technical, economic or socio-economic aspects that should be considered by the responsible Cypriot authorities.Finally, the contractor shall perform an assessment of the overall technical and economic potential for the installation of FPV systems on water bodies in Cyprus. Estimations should be provided for the theoretic technical potential, the feasible technical potential as well as the economic potential, based on the assumptions from the above-described feasibility study. The results from these estimations shall then be aggregated to arrive at the total technical and economic potential for the installation of FPV projects on dams and reservoirs in Cyprus.Task 1.3: Development of technical specifications for the implementation of FPV projects in CyprusThe contractor shall develop general technical specifications that can be used for the future procurement of FPV projects in Cyprus. The contractor shall focus on the development of general technical specifications that could be used for the procurement of different FPV projects. Work package 2: Technical support on pumped hydroelectric energy storage in CyprusTask 2.1: Provision of capacity building on PHES in CyprusAt the beginning of his assignment, the contractor shall organize a kick-off meeting with the participation of GIZ and the Cypriot project partners. In addition, the contractor shall organize an introductory training on PHES with a minimum duration of three hours.Throughout the implementation of work package 2, the contractor shall be available to answer specific additional questions of the Cypriot project partners with regard to PHES.Task 2.2: Elaboration of a roadmap for the development of PHES in CyprusIn the context of this activity, the contractor in consultation with the relevant national stakeholders shall develop a roadmap for the installation and operation of PHES projects on dams and reservoirs in Cyprus. Initially, he shall review the existing available information and studies on the potential and feasibility of PHES in Cyprus and compile the key findings. In the following, he shall discuss and clarify any open issues regarding the development of PHES with the Cypriot project partners. The contractor shall also organize consultations with other relevant stakeholders in Cyprus in order to collect their views and positions on the development of PHES in Cyprus.Based on the afore-mentioned analysis and discussions, the contractor, in consultation with the relevant national stakeholders, shall elaborate a roadmap for the development of PHES on dams and reservoirs in Cyprus.Task 2.3: Development of tender specifications for the implementation of PHES projects in CyprusThe contractor shall develop general technical specifications that can be used for the future tendering of PHES projects in Cyprus. The contractor shall focus on the development of general technical specifications that could be used for the procurement of PHES projects.Work package 3: Technical support on offshore wind energy in CyprusTask 3.1: Provision of capacity building on offshore wind energy in CyprusAt the beginning of his assignment, the contractor shall organize a kick-off meeting with the participation of GIZ and the Cypriot project partners. In addition, the contractor shall organize an introductory training on offshore wind energy with a minimum duration of three hours.Throughout the implementation of work package 3, the contractor shall be available to answer specific additional questions of the Cypriot project partner with regard to offshore wind energy.Task 3.2: Development of tender specifications for the implementation of offshore wind projects in CyprusThe contractor shall develop general technical specifications that can be used for the future tendering of offshore wind projects in Cyprus. The contractor shall focus on the development of general technical specifications that could be used for the procurement of offshore wind projects.
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