External Quality Assurance Central Project EvaluationsGIZ evaluations are an important part of our efforts to maximise the
effectiveness of our work. They systematically analyse and assess quality and benefits, thus supporting the targeted and needs-based
implementation of development measures of the German Federal Government and other commissioning parties and helping to continuously
improve our service d...
External Quality Assurance Central Project EvaluationsGIZ evaluations are an important part of our efforts to maximise the
effectiveness of our work. They systematically analyse and assess quality and benefits, thus supporting the targeted and needs-based
implementation of development measures of the German Federal Government and other commissioning parties and helping to continuously
improve our service delivery processes.Central project evaluations account for the large majority of GIZ evaluations. GIZ
uses central project evaluations to regularly and systematically investigate the results, cost-effectiveness and sustainability
of projects that it implements with partner organisations on behalf of the the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ). Evaluations are conducted by external evaluators and steered by GIZ"s independent Corporate Unit Evaluation
in line with mandatory, standardised quality standards. The reports solely reflect the opinion and assessment of the external
evaluators. The clarity of the analysis, conclusions drawn and assessment must, however, be guaranteed and is reviewed by
the Corporate Unit EvaluationIn order to increase accountability and transparency, GIZ Management Board decided to publish
the evaluation reports. To create the utmost use for GIZ partners worldwide, the reports are generally written in English,
French or Spanish. In addition to the approx. 50-page main reports, the evaluators compile a summary ("seven-pager") and an
overview with central results ("one-pager") according to the given formats.GIZ bases its evaluations on the standards for
evaluation of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval): usefulness, feasibility, fairness and accuracy as well as the
quality standards for development evaluation of the OECD-DAC. As a basis for the development of quality assurance instruments,
the Evaluation Unit formulates quality standards for process quality, methodological quality and product quality. These include
comprehensible statements through the presentation of data, facts and figures based on sources, careful analysis of the contribution
of projects to outcomes and impacts, and a more comprehensible evaluation of the project on the basis of the OECD/DAC criteria
through standardised evaluation dimensions, which among other things improve the comparability of the projects. The methodological
requirements include in particular contribution analysis and efficiency analysis (follow the money approach with input-output