I.D.: 90486228

81298931-Renforcer l'écosystème de PME algériennes dans l'économie circulaire

Data publicarii
07.12.23 Exista 1.057 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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Locul realizarii:
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
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Currently in Algeria, it is not possible to sufficiently combine economic and ecological interests and promote green growth. The central problem is that Algerian SMEs have so far not made sufficient use of innovative circular economy business models. The causes can be summarized as follows: 1. State institutions lack the technical and human capacity to promote innovative circular economy business models. W...
Currently in Algeria, it is not possible to sufficiently combine economic and ecological interests and promote green growth. The central problem is that Algerian SMEs have so far not made sufficient use of innovative circular economy business models. The causes can be summarized as follows: 1. State institutions lack the technical and human capacity to promote innovative circular economy business models. Without sufficient understanding of circular economy approaches and their opportunities, reform measures that make innovative business models more attractive and promote SMEs will not be implemented. 2. There is a lack of formats for the development of innovative circular economy business models for MSMEs, and the skills needed to implement clean production processes and circular economy business models are insufficient among public and private business development ser-vice support structures. 3. Insufficient testing of marketing channels for circular economy products and ser-vices also prevents the commercial potential of Algerian TPMEs from being recognized and exploited. All three causes can be modified by the current cooperation project. For this reason, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has commissioned GIZ to implement the new project "Support for SMEs in the circular economy". The aim of the project is to "increase the use of innovative circular economy business models by SMEs". In order to achieve this goal, GIZ has developed a project concept which is divided into 3 outcomes: 1. Output 1 ("institutional" component): Output 1 focuses on improving the capabilities of the Ministry of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production. In addition, cooperation between public institutions and the private sector will be strengthened. 2. Output 2 (multiplier component): Output 2 aims to develop for-mats and services for the development of innovative circular economy business models for TPMEs with public and private support structures (including promotion agencies, consulting structures, gas pedals, incubators as well as other actors = multipliers). 3. Output 3 (business component): Output 3 aims to test the market potential of technically mature concepts directly with selected SMEs and, if possible, provide proof of their economic viability. The tender in question concerns Output 2 (multiplier component): Following a selection of a number of multipliers on the side of the Ministry of Industry and Pharmaceutical Production, the contractor is to perform the following service: - Analyze offers of support (for integrating circular economy approaches into business and production processes) for TPMEs in the re-selected multipliers. - Analyze the demand for support on the part of MSMEs (to integrate circular economy approaches into business and production processes). - Develop services (training modules) within retained multipliers aimed at promoting circular economy approaches in MSMEs. - Capacity building in selected multipliers. - Deployment of training and advisory services for SMEs in conjunction with selected multipliers. - Advice and support for a number of SMEs that have taken part in the training courses to further integrate circular economy approaches.
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