I.D.: 89598480

81296714-Technical support for the implementation of the GIZ project Support to Social Inclusion in Serbia

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20.11.23 Exista 6 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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Economic growth in Serbia reached 7.5 % in 2021 despite the pandemic situation. However, not all social groups benefit equally from this. Unemployment and income inequality are high, reform efforts within the framework of the EU accession process are progressing slowly. Almost a quarter of the people are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, 7% of the population live in absolute poverty. Economic and so...
Economic growth in Serbia reached 7.5 % in 2021 despite the pandemic situation. However, not all social groups benefit equally from this. Unemployment and income inequality are high, reform efforts within the framework of the EU accession process are progressing slowly. Almost a quarter of the people are at risk of poverty and social exclusion, 7% of the population live in absolute poverty. Economic and social marginalisation have worsened, especially for women and girls, members of the Roma minority and people with multiple vulnerabilities. During the pandemic, there has been an increase in gender-based violence and a return to traditional role understandings. Every second woman in Serbia experiences domestic violence. Serbia also has one of the highest rates of gender inequalities in unpaid care work along gender stereotypes in Europe: Women spend 16.2% more time caring for children and elders. Equality between men and women is legally guaranteed by the Law on Gender Equality adopted in 2021, but gender-based and intersectional discrimination, traditional role models and stereotypes continue to exist and hamper social and economic participation. Social protection and employment promotion measures that could counteract these developments are mostly gender-blind and only insufficiently target the specific needs of disadvantaged groups. The project Support to Social Inclusion in Serbia aims at strengthening the social and economic inclusion of disadvantaged groups, specifically answering to the need of women and girls as well as multiply discriminated people such as Roma, PwD and elderly, in selected local self-governments (LSG) in Serbia. LSGs, private sector and civil society actors are supported in providing (1) integrated social services; (2) structures for better economic inclusion for women; and (3) anti-discrimination measures. A fourth component aims at increasing policy coherence in the area of social inclusion, in line with the EU accession process chapter 19 and 23. The "New inclusion Initiative" (output 1 and 2) aim to establish or further develop integrated, gender-responsive, inclusive social services (e.g. care services, consultation services etc.). Social service providers (public, private and CSO) in LSGs will receive funding, capacity development trainings and advisory for policy development and implementation. In parallel, local measures for economic inclusion will be fostered through enhanced cooperation structures between the private sector and LSGs. Gender-responsive employment promotion and improved opportunities for disadvantaged groups including Roma and PwD enhance economic participation and thus foster social inclusion of these groups. The initiative is accompanied by an anti-discrimination component provide decision-makers from relevant partner organizations and institutions with information and education services to reduce discrimination based on gender, origin and other factors. Gender responsive trainings on intersectional discrimination will be integrated into existing public training curricula. Digital campaigns and educational tools are developed to enhance targeted outreach. Lastly, the project aims at fostering a more coherent design and implementation of policies in the field of social and economic inclusion of disadvantaged groups. Dialogue and working group formats between national and local level are to be enhanced, i.e. on the implementation of the national law on gender equality. GIZ intends to contract a service provider to for the management of a short term expert pool with expertise in gender transformative social services, gender responsive employment promotion, anti-discrimination and (innovative) public administration. Key activities include technical advice for LSG, private sector and civil society, facilitation of networking activities and peer-to-peer-learning, contribution to (baseline) studies, M&E and communication.
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